
Showing posts from March, 2018

Fats in the Diet

Each gram of fat provides 9 kcal of energy. Fats are essential for the human body as these make up the important part of all tissues and cells. The cell membrane is rich in lipids and brain is full of fat. In combination with proteins and phosphates, fats (lipids) for many important molecules. Linoleic and a-linolenic acids are essential fatty acids. Trans fats are usually of animal origin or provided by hydrogenation of oils. These are harmful for the body. Poly-unsaturated fats and Mono-unsaturated fats are associated with less risk to heart and brain compared to saturated fats. Fats of animal origin are more harmful compared to fats from vegetable sources. In terms of health benefits, olive oil, soya oil, sunflower and safflower oils rank high. In the body, lipids are measured in blood by the test of lipid profile (best done after 8-10 hrs of fasting). It measures S cholesterol (HDL or high density, LDL or low density and VLDL and IDL very low and intermediate respec

Proteins in the Diet

P roteins are made of amino-acids, which join together to form peptides, poly-peptides and finally proteins. These take part in the maintenance of biological functions, growth and death of the body. These are essential parts of the diet and are 2 nd most common molecules after water in the body. The nine essential amino-acids not produced in the body are phenylalanine ,  valine ,  threonine ,  tryptophan ,  methionine ,  leucine ,  isoleucine ,  lysine , and  histidine . The dietary requirements for proteins are about 1 gm/kg/day in adults. Children and pregnant and lactating mothers require additional amounts. Higher quantities of protein increase acid content in the body. To compensate for this kidneys have to excrete higher amounts in the urine. Calcium excretion also increases. This may result in a tendency towards stone formation. Acidosis may result in osteoporosis. For more on Proteins in the Diet   click below ~ Proteins in the Diet 2nd Medical

Metabolic Syndrome

(Syndrome X, MetS, Insulin Resistance Syndrome) I t is being increasingly identified in the urban population. The importance lies in its association with risk of developing diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease. The incidence in South Asian Population during middle age groups is estimated at 30 to 40%. The criteria for diagnosis (ATPIII) are Waist circumference >40 inches in man and > 35 inches in woman Fasting blood glucose >100 mg/dl or treatment for high sugars BP of >130/85 mm Hg or drug treatment for hypertension S Triglycerides >150 mg/dl or drug treatment for elevated triglycerides HDL cholesterol <40 mg/dl in man or <50 mg/dl in woman Any 3 of these 5 criteria qualify for a diagnosis of metabolic syndrome. In some modifications, waist circumference has been made an essential criterion while in some waist circumference has been modified for different ethnic groups. In South Asians now the waist circumference has been red

UTI in Men

UTI in Men C ompared to women, Urinary tract infections in men are uncommon. This is due to the longer length of urethra and dryness of the urethral opening (called meatus). Prostatic secretions have antibacterial properties and hence these may prevent urinary tract infections. Non-circumcision is also a risk factor for UTI. The commonest organism is E coli. UTI is common if there is an anatomic abnormality, obstruction, instrumentation of the urinary tract or prior surgery. In men after 50 years of age, prostatic enlargement can make a person prone to UTI. As in the case of women, the infections of the urinary tract may involve urethra, bladder or kidney or a combination of all of them. In addition, the prostate gland can also be infected. Symptoms : Symptoms are similar to those in women. However, infections of the prostate can give rise to fever and pain in the perineum (the area between anus and scrotum). Diagnosis of UTI is by its symptoms, physical examination a

Urinary Tract Infections : Women

U TI in short, is a common illness in a woman, especially during the reproductive period. The incidence in western countries is .5/woman /year. It is commoner in women compared to men due to their shorter urethra (Tube from the lower end of the bladder to opening for urine). Bacteria from large intestines contaminate the skin around the anus, migrate to the vaginal opening and may ascend through the urethra to the bladder and sometimes via ureter to the kidneys. Infections of the bladder are called cystitis, infections of urethra urethritis and that of kidneys pyelonephritis. Symptoms of UTI In cases of urethritis, pain while passing urine (dysuria), more frequency, pus discharge from urine opening may occur. In cases of cystitis, dysuria, frequency, urgency (inability to hold urine), lower abdominal pain or discomfort and sometimes blood in urine may occur. In pyelonephritis, the symptoms usually are fever (temp above 38 °  C ), flank pain or discomfort, tenderne